“I can’t and still can’t find the words to say or express how sad I feel…. but she found them for me. She found them for so many of us." - Serena Williams

“I can’t and still can’t find the words to say or express how sad I feel…. but she found them for me. She found them for so many of us. A lot of us are numb… lost for words… I know I am. This is a difficult time. A lot of us growing up were taught to pray “Let thy kingdom come,” this is what I continue to pray for in addition to so many that have been hurt/killed, or simply traumatized by how people of a different color are treated. The worst part is this is nothing new, “it’s just filmed.” I’m with a heavy heart. I’m lost for words.

Video from @wealth

Serena Williams
23-Grand Slam Winner (Tennis), former no. 1.