Five things to know from what happened in the world of sport last week. June 9-15, 2020.

McGregor retires…For the third time. The former pound for pound #1 MMA fighter in the world previously retired in 2016 and 2019, claiming he has lost excitement for the sport. ESPN says he might not be retired

Fancy a museum’s plane ride?. Thomas Waerner won the coveted Iditarod Trail dogsled race in March 18th but only now made it home to Norway, with his 24 dogs. He had to use a historic museum airplane. See Alaska Public Media

Record viewership for golf. It was not a Tour meeting but rather a charity Pro-Am that has just set the cable TV record in golf viewership, with average of 5.8 million. Woods and Manning beat Mickelson and Brady. By CNN.

NBA and MLS move to Disney. An imminent announcement is expected about NBA’s and MLS’ plans to return to action from late June to early August. Miami Herald details

A “legendary” player retires at 23. League of Legends gamer, Jian “Uzi” Zi-Hao, announced his retirement from the sport, citing health issues. This should raise awareness of the side effects of the lifestyle of some of the world’s best. One Esports has the story