The Sportspedia’s Global Podium features the three sportspeople/athletes or teams that best achieved excellence in performance last week with their milestones and results.
![]() Gold: Antoni Bou, Adam Raga, and Jaime Busto (Spain, Motorcycling) For the second week in a row, Toni Bou (ESP, Honda) continues to extend his legacy as the greatest motorcycling competitor of all time and one of the greatest sportspeople across sports in history. Last week he won the 2022 FIM Trial World Championship and this time he won the Trial des Nations for an incredible 17th time in a row, since 2015. This is the 18th for teammate Adam Raga, a record, and the 4th for Jaime Busto. Spain also won the women’s title, with Sandra Gómez, Berta Abellán, and Alba Villegas. This was not the only Motorcycling nations event on the weekend. The Motocross des Nations was won by the United States for the first time in 11 years. The US also won the Quadcross of European Nations, including multiple ATV Champion Chad Wienen on the team, and the Netherlands won the Sidecarcross of European Nations, with the current World Champion Etienne Bax leading the way. Watch some footage (Daniele Scaramella) |
![]() Silver: Team Ayava (New Zealand, Adventure Racing) The Kiwi team won the Aventure Race World Championship for a seventh time, by taking the Expedición Guaraní 2022 in Paraguay. The team was composed of Nathan Fa’avae -who has been part of the seven titles-, Chris Forne and Stu Lynch (who have both won world titles with other teams as well), and Simone Maier, who is a new member. Watch the highlights of Day 3 (AR World Series) |
![]() Bronze: Boyd Exell and team (Australia, Equestrian) Boyd Exell won his sixth consecutive Driving World Championship Four-in-Hand along with his team – accompanying grooms Lea Schmidlin (CHE) and Emma Osvald Olsson (SWE), and backstep Hugh Scott-Barrett (ENG)- and horses (Celviro, Checkmate, Dan 8, Hero, Ivor), meaning he has been the World Champion since 2010. He was first in Dressage, sixth in Marathon, and fourth in Cones, enough to beat Ijsbrand Chardon (NED) and the team. The Netherlands won the team gold. Watch the gold medal run (FEI) |