This week’s Global Podium for the best sportspeople in the world features Daiki Kodama, Sodnompiljee Enkhbayar, and Catherine Debrunner.

Gold: Daiki Kodama
(Japan, Powerlifting)

Won his 20th Bench Press World Championship -each world title in his division since 2002-, winning the Men’s 74 kg Classic division at the IPF World Classic & Equipped Bench Press Championship, lifting 222.5 kg. He also won the silver medal in the Equipped division, won by Ivan Chuprinko (UKR)

Relieve the competition (IPF) 

Silver: Sodnompiljee Enkhbayar
(Mongolia, Powerlifting)

Sodnompiljee Enkhbayar, current Paralympic Champion, took on the conventional powerlifters and won the IPF World Classic & Equipped Bench Press Championship in the 120 kg Men’s Classic category, breaking a World Record on the way, with a lift of 260 kilograms. He also won the 2018 IPF World Championship.

Relieve his lift (IPF)

Bronze: Catherine Debrunner
(Switzerland, Para Athletics)

The Swiss Para Athlete delighted her home crowd at the ParAthletics Grand Prix in Nottwil, where she won four gold medals with a World Record in each of the Women’s 100m, 200m, 400m, and 800m T53 categories for wheelchair racing.

Watch her record-breaking performances (Paralympic)